8th International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD)

Columbia University New York, NY

EUSTEPs project presented at "Interdisciplinary Approaches to Teaching Sustainable Development" session: This session will present and discuss innovative ways of delivering education that enables and empowers graduates and future decision-makers to become the change-makers the world needs.

Free – $310

1st multiplier event

Raising awareness of the EUSTEPs e-learning platform and engaging attending universities on developing their custom Footprint Calculator.


27th ISDRS Conference


Theme: Accelerating the progress towards the 2030 SDGs in times […]

2nd multiplier event

Updating participants on the EUSTEPs e-learning platform and unveiling the first prototype of the University Footprint Calculator.


3rd multiplier event

Launching the University Footprint Calculator and learning from universities which are already using the Calculator.


4th multiplier event

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Faculty of Education Tower Building, Ground floor 40.62751824582937, 22.961232582856304

Deepening participant's understanding of the ways in which sustainability can be taught and practiced in HEIs.
